2023 WFIA Connect

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WFIA Educational Foundation

We are dedicated to the advancement of education and employment opportunities in the food industry.

Our Education Programs:

The WFIA Educational Foundation (WFIAEF) may reimburse a portion of course fees for eligible WFIA members and their employees who register for and complete educational courses, conferences and seminars.

WFIA Educational Foundation Scholarship Programs:

WFIAEF offers scholarships to reimburse WFIA member employers who are providing financial support to employees attending one of our featured programs.

The WFIA Educational Foundation (WFIAEF) may reimburse a portion of course fees for eligible WFIA members and their employees who register for and complete educational courses, conferences and seminars.

Meet Your Vendor Representative

Melissa Burgess

WFIA Marketing, Communications, Events, and Foundation Manager
melissa@wa-food-ind.org360-753-5177 ext. 103
1415 Harrison Ave NW, Suite 101 / Olympia, WA 98501