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Plastic Bag Ban Outreach Toolkit

Yesterday, Governor Inslee rescinded Proclamation 20-82, which delayed the plastic bag ban. The plastic bag ban was initially supposed to take effect on January 1, 2021 after passing in the 2020 Legislative Session. The proclamation will expire at 11:59 PM on September 30, 2021, which means the plastic bag ban will be effective as of 12:00 AM on October 1. To read the Proclamation, click here.

In summary, a retail establishment cannot provide thin,t-shirt plastic bags. If providing bags to customers, only paper, reusable and2.25 mil plastic bags are allowed. Retailers must collect a pass-through chargeof 8 cents for 1) paper bags they provide that are 1/8th barrel (882 cubicinches) or greater; and 2) plastic bags that are 2.25 mil or greater until2026. On January 1, 2026, the fee for plastic only increases to12 cents, and the only plastic bags allowed must be 4 mil or higher. The storesmay provide thinner/smaller paper bags but the stores do not need to charge afee. All local jurisdictions laws are preempted, unless the fee is 10 centsthan the stores must collect 10 cents in fees instead of 8 cents. A more detailed summary of thenew law can be found here.  Outreach materials for your employees and customers canbe found here.